A fun movie of a training day at Kaden's Working Border Collies ENJOY
OHUTU ACE in his early days of training.
Ace is doing an exercise that teaches them to wait, to be patient, he has to move the sheep in a square with me in the middle offering no help to direct the sheep. It is a very slow exercise so I have only shot half of the square.
This video shows Angel, just walking a few sheep around, she has been doing this for some time and can handle various amounts of sheep. Here I have added one sheep that has had no dog handling and she must always pick it up. At times Angel comes to the side as we walk pass the yards, she knows that if not covered they will run that way. Angel has good feel for the sheep and very rarely upsets them.
This is a simple exercise I was shown to get a pup to work off balance. Angel has to move the sheep between me and the wall. She is a very well balance pup and hates to push the sheep anywhere except to me. Angel has improved greatly since starting this sort of training. A dog needs to work off balance to push stock through gates, into yards as well as in the trials.
Here Angel is learning to drive the sheep away. This can be difficult to learn but a a handy tool for them to have.