Much has happened with our imported pup growing to 2, we are now waiting the arrival of Shepherd's Own Lark from Germany and from the UK, Keeper. a beautiful red and white male. Some call it red some chocolate what ever is correct he is a stunner. They will arrive together in April so will keep u posted as soon as they settle in.
Training was put on hold for many of my pups as stock was weak and weather was fierce. We managed to get some in which seen my young ones like Pilot and Karma coming of age and starting to work nicely. Georgie Girl has grown so much in confidence since starting on cattle and she has fast become Ace's offside. Our wonderful Jack has earnt retirement and I must say he slotted into it with ease.
We have had 2 litters, one a repeat Kaden's Bonnie Lass and Barcoo Ernie. This mix produced Angel and many good pups. They were snapped up pretty quickly and I kept 1 boy. He is such a cutie for a male and has just had his first look at the sheep, no problems switching on at all. He will make a good trial dog I think. Also I received a pup from Ace's son King and another Bitch I sold Miss Bling. I named her Miss Mulan and she is just a week older. the 2 pups get on so well and I am enjoying watching them grow. 4 weeks ago my gentle girl D&S Patches had just the 1 pup by Ace. It was a girl and we named her Wakanda, a Sioux Indian name as Patches was born in the USA. So Kaden has again got a small lot of new pups to get ready for work.
Kate is home for her last Christmas break as she will go into year 12 this year. It will be very sad when I don't get to see her as often. Family seem to always be moving and growing, I hate to see them leave but realise they have much of life to experience. Becky and John have a new addition in a beautiful boy named Joshua. I got to spend some time with the grand kids when he was baptised which was lovely.
No excuse now the grass is growing and the trials are getting closer so starting tomorrow training begins again. It can be a good thing to have a break, freshens the dogs and even me, I feel I am full of new ideas to try out. Also I have a gro pro, which means videos at last. Once I get the hang of it I will be posting many training ones for u all to see. Take care and with a bright fresh start to 2015 I think u will be hearing a lot more from Kaden's this year.